Almost any Thai people do not know. Instant noodles. The most frequently referred to by brand name or brand, like Coca Mama Yum Yum otherwise.
The Thai food is popular all the time. If the total number of Thai instant noodles out that many people will be amazed
According to the report unprecedented in the Thai instant noodles to eat six to seven million envelopes each fall about 50 packs per year at most I see are young people, especially young children and school dormitories. I will say that some people eat every day - morning and evening to eat well for a long time. Until they are tired. But some people do not know because I ate the rice is the staple food for it.
There are several reasons why the instant noodles. Is popular in Thai cooking, including a convenient time for a little time. And rice is cooked and it was not easy to find is a variety of brands and flavors of Thai taste. However, because the taste of MSG.
When five years ago, nutritionists and instant noodles is less valuable. Imbalance, but the flour and MSG. Later I had the power consumption of the Thai people do not. We work together to develop a much more valuable. The compounds are divided by three types of ingredients are Vitamin A, iodine and iron to promote the consumption of nutritious.
Eating instant noodles by just adding hot water they consume. I considered that I was not particularly well as a habit. I tore the envelope further than it is to eat well-cooked. Eating a cookie, this consecutive year. The body is malnourished. Because they eat only the crust.
Instant noodles is a food that is available. What's not bad. If it is cooked properly. From the moment of your particular brand of formula or on the envelope that contains iron, iodine and vitamin A only when it is cooked with eggs. The meat and vegetables to all. Fill a gourd vegetable sprouts, kale, lettuce, morning glory, but the key is. Do not forget to tear down the Pack he belongs in every cook. There should be plenty of water when I eat must sip water as possible out of the bowl because of that we have three types of nutrients that your body is full.
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